Consider Carefully Before Delaying PT After a Stroke
As 911 calls and visits to emergency rooms for suspected strokes have decreased during the first months of “stay at home” orders, Jefferson Holm, Board Certified Neuro Clinical Specialists with Advanced Neurologic Rehabilitation in...
Walk Away from Back Pain & Toward a Healthier You
The man who wrote the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” was later quick to document what he discovered to be another unquestioning truth. “The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises, walking is best,” Thomas...
Surgery Delayed by COVID-19? Physical Therapy Can Help.
In an attempt to salvage supplies and resources during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, many U.S. hospitals and medical institutions have opted to postpone elective surgeries. This includes non-emergency surgeries scheduled...
Gilbert Wellness: 5 Exercise Ideas Amid COVID-19 Social Distancing
As the country bands together to slow the spread of COVID-19 (a.k.a., the coronavirus) through the practice of social distancing, many have found their regularly exercise routines disrupted. Gym closures, group fitness class cancellations and the closing of...
Practice Key to Restoring Swallowing Function for Stroke Patients
On average, a healthy adult swallows at least once a minute (when not eating or drinking) in a natural process called deglutition. Like other movements, swallowing is a complex combination of neural impulses from the brain communicating with muscles in the face,...
Artists: Don’t Let Pain or Injury Dampen Your Creative Spirit
We often don’t consider the long-term impact that practicing the fine arts can have on the body. Yet, according to physical therapists, dancers, musicians, visual artists and even performing artists are not immune to experiencing pain and injury related to...
To ANR patients and their families, The staff at Advanced Neurologic Rehabilitation is aware of the seriousness threat COVID-19 poses to many of our patient’s, especially those that may have compromised immune systems and/or a respiratory illness. However,...
Help a Loved One Live a More Active, Healthful Life
We typically wish for those we love to live their best, most healthful lives. That’s why it can be both frustrating and worrisome when a loved one slips onto a more sedentary lifestyle track – one that could be harmful...
Create Heart-Healthy Habits During Heart Month
February is American Heart Month, a time when health professionals like Gilbert physical therapist Jefferson Holm strive to raise awareness about maintaining and improving cardiovascular health. The month also serves as a sobering...
Post-Stroke Principles for Helping People Move, Live Better
The brain’s ability to adapt processes and pathways throughout the body – a rewiring, of sorts, to overcome the body’s changing neurological abilities – is truly extraordinary. This neuroplasticity, as it’s called, often occurs naturally throughout our lives. But,...
Exercise to Ease Chronic Anxiety This Year
A new year offers the potential for new opportunities and experiences. For those who struggle with general and consistent anxiety, however, the prospect of the new year and the expectations that come with it can be tricky to maneuver. It’s with this...
5 Holiday Giving Options Offering Healthful Returns
The Holiday Season is a time for giving, and that includes supporting causes and organizations that make our communities stronger. It’s in this spirit that Gilbert physical therapist Jefferson Holm shares some holiday giving suggestions that offer a more healthful...