To ANR patients and their families, The staff at Advanced Neurologic Rehabilitation is aware of the seriousness threat COVID-19 poses to many of our patient’s, especially those that may have compromised immune systems and/or a respiratory illness. However, we also realize that many of your lives were changed dramatically by an acute neurologic injury or diagnosis of a progressive disease long before the COVID-19 virus became a global pandemic. In response to this threat, the staff at Advanced Neurologic is committed to remaining open during this crisis as long as possible. However, we also realize we have a duty to try and protect all those that have chosen to continue their rehabilitation, despite the concerns over the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, Advanced Neurologic Rehabilitation would like to reaffirm our commitment to practices that are known to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses. Specifically, we are committed continuing the following practices:
1.) ANR staff will continue to wash their hands before and after each patient interaction
2.) ANR staff will continue to disinfect treatment table before and after each patient interaction
3.) ANR staff will continue to monitor the health of every individual that enters our facility, monitoring for signs of illness, and sending individuals home who are suspected of being sick, to prevent transmission of bacterial and viral infections from person to person.
4.) ANR will limit the number of individuals allowed in the treatment gym to 10 or less in an attempt to prevent transmission of bacterial and or viral infections from person to person.
5.) ANR staff will ensure that the waiting room chairs are disinfected every hour, limiting the risk of transmission of bacterial and/or viral infection from person to person
6.) ANR staff will ensure that restroom are cleaned regularly throughout the day
7.) ANR staff will ensure that hand sanitizer is positioned throughout the facility for both staff, patient, and caregiver use.
In addition the precautions described above, ANR staff has asked all patients who have come in contact with anyone with a known diagnosis of COVID-19 or who are experiencing a fever with respiratory symptoms, to self-quarantine for a period of 2 weeks to prevent transmission of the virus to others. Additionally, patients who have traveled outside the country have also been asked stay away from the facility for a period of 2 weeks. Again, we realize the decision of whether or not to continue with your therapy is a difficult one. For those of you who have chosen to continue with therapy, we hope you feel more confident about the precautions we have put in place. Finally, in the event we need to temporarily suspend service, we will strive to make each of you aware of this prior to your scheduled appointment. Kindly, ANR Staff